
About us

The research pursued in the Mathematical Physics group at the University of Vienna deals with the mathematical structures of fundamental interactions including approaches to quantum gravity. It covers a range of topics in field theory, quantum geometry and string theory.



We invite applications for a fully funded PhD position at the University of Vienna, as part of the FWF START project Phases of Quantum Field Theories:...


Stefan Prohazka has been awarded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences for his research on the classification of space-time symmetries and their...


David joins the group of Nils Carqueville for a three-month research stay funded by The Research Council of Norway. He is currently a postdoctoral...


Under extreme relativistic conditions, the behavior of quantum field theories with boundaries shows a novel symmetry structure.


Christian Gaß has joined Harold Steinacker’s team as a postdoc within the FWF-funded project “Quantum Spacetime and Gravity in Matrix Models at one...


Fabio has joined Marcus Sperling as a postdoc in the frame of the START project “Phases of Quantum Field Theories: Symmetries and Vacua”