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Könenberg, M., & Matte, O. (2013). On Enhanced Binding and Related Effects in the Non- and Semi-Relativistic Pauli-Fierz Models. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 323(2), 635-661.
Grosse, H., & Wulkenhaar, R. (2013). Solvable limits of a 4D noncommutative QFT. Web publication
Blaschke, D. N., Grosse, H., & Wallet, J.-C. (2013). Slavnov-Taylor identities, non-commutative gauge theories and infrared divergences. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(6), Article 038.
Bertlmann, R. A., Narnhofer, H., & Thirring, W. (2013). Time-ordering dependence of measurements in teleportation. European Physical Journal D, 67(3), Article 62.
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Steinacker, H. (2013). The curvature of branes, currents and gravity in matrix models. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1), Article 112.
Correggi, M., Pinsker, F., Rougerie, N., & Yngvason, J. (2013). Vortex Phases of Rotating Superfluids. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 414, Article 012034.
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Grosse, H., Lechner, G., Ludwig, T., & Verch, R. (2013). Wick rotation for quantum field theories on degenerate Moyal space(-time). Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54(2), Article 022307.
Showing entries 201 - 220 out of 351