Showing entries 181 - 200 out of 351
Steinacker, H. C., & Zahn, J. (2015). Self-intersecting fuzzy extra dimensions from squashed coadjoint orbits in N=4 SYM and matrix models. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(2), Article 27.
Zahn, J. (2015). Locally covariant chiral fermions and anomalies. Nuclear Physics, Section B, 890, 1-16.
Könenberg, M., Moser, T., Seiringer, R., & Yngvason, J. (2015). Superfluid behavior of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a random potential. New Journal of Physics, 17, Article 013022.
Narnhofer, H. (2015). Are interacting systems norm asymptotic abelian? Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 2(4), 417-433.
Yngvason, J. (2015). Localization and Entanglement in Relativistic Quantum Physics. In P. Blanchard, & J. Fröhlich (Eds.), The Message of Quantum Science: Attempts Towards a Synthesis (pp. 325-348). Springer.
Baumgartner, B. (2014). Characterizing Entropy in Statistical Physics and in Quantum Information Theory. Foundations of Physics, 44(10), 1107-1123.
Grosse, H., & Wulkenhaar, R. (2014). Noncommutative quantum field theory. Fortschritte der Physik, 62(9-10), 797-811.
Narnhofer, H., & Wreszinski, W. F. (2014). On reduction of the wave-packet, decoherence, irreversibility and the second law of thermodynamics. Physics Reports, 541(4), 249-278.
Steinacker, H. C., & Zahn, J. (2014). An extended standard model and its Higgs geometry from the matrix model. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2014(8), Article 083B03.
Lieb, E. H., & Yngvason, J. (2014). Entropy meters and the entropy of non-extensive systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 470(2167), Article 20140192.
Koenenberg, M., & Matte, O. (2014). The Mass Shell in the Semi-Relativistic Pauli-Fierz Model. Annales Henri Poincare, 15(5), 863-915.
Lechner, G., & Schützenhofer, C. (2014). Towards an Operator-Algebraic Construction of Integrable Global Gauge Theories. Annales Henri Poincare, 15(4), 645-678.
Yngvason, J. (2014). Topics in the Mathematical Physics of Cold Bose Gases. Web publication,
Zahn, J. (2014). The renormalized locally covariant Dirac field. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 26(1), Article 1330012.
Jurman, D., & Steinacker, H. (2014). 2D fuzzy anti-de Sitter space from matrix models. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(1), Article 100.
Grosse, H., & Wulkenhaar, R. (2014). Self-Dual Noncommutative φ4-Theory in Four Dimensions is a Non-Perturbatively Solvable and Non-Trivial Quantum Field Theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 329(3), 1069-1130.
Rougerie, N., Serfaty, S., & Yngvason, J. (2014). Quantum Hall Phases and Plasma Analogy in Rotating Trapped Bose Gases. Journal of Statistical Physics, 154(1-2), 2-50.
Zahn, J. (2013). The excitation spectrum of rotating strings with masses at the ends. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(12), Article 047.
Polychronakos, A. P., Steinacker, H., & Zahn, J. (2013). Brane compactifications and 4-dimensional geometry in the IKKT model. Nuclear Physics, Section B, 875(3), 566-598.
Lieb, E. H., & Yngvason, J. (2013). The entropy concept for non-equilibrium states. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 469(2158), Article 20130408.
Showing entries 181 - 200 out of 351