Tim Lüders is working under the supervision of Nils Carqueville after completing his master's studies at the University of Greifswald.
Alessandro Manta studied his Bachelor’s at the University of Padova, and he finished his Master’s at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Now, he is in Vienna working together with Harold Stainacker in his FWF-funded project “Quantum Spacetime and Gravity in Matrix Models at one Loop”.
Sinan Moura Soysüren joined the gorup from the University of Hamburg. He has joined Marcus Sperling as a PhD student for the START Prize project “Phases of Quantum Field Theories: Symmetries and Vacua”.
All three would be happy if you came by to say hello and talk about mathematical physics with a cup of coffee. From our side, we wish them a very successful and fulfilling time with us!
Three new PhD students at the group

From left to right: Alessandro, Tim and Sinan just before filling the blackboard with formulas. (CC MathPhys)